Wednesday, November 30, 2011

God Is Doing a New Thing

God is doing a new thing and I want to be a part of it and  over the next few weeks I will be sharing the new thing      

      "Let everything that has breath praise the Lord"  Psalm 150:6

The writer of Psalms (119:64) gives a s his personal theme of  "seven times a day  I will praise you"  

1.  God is restoring praise to the body of Christ all over the world.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Great Sunday

Great Sunday as I had a chance to not only serve communion at the 11:00 Cornerstone service but the opportunity to drive quickly go to Theater Six to serve our teens and college students in the Uprising Service. Great day and I am looking forward to next week start of two services 9 & 11.

Big thank you’s to Judy, Renae, Brenda for a great meal, Ryan for did a super job in the youth service and Les a fine job putting together the Adult worship. Expressions were super again and Brooke led the children- I am in awe and have a very grateful heart.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Back to Church

This Sunday is the national back to church Sunday and I have mulled it around and have decided this Sunday, just this one I am coming back to church. Reminds me of a story I heard. “ A man said to his wife I’m not going to church today, the people aren’t friendly, the music too loud, the temperature is too hot, the seats are not comfortable and I am tired of standing and sitting , standing and sitting and they always expect me to put something in the offering. His wife said honey you have to go to church today, you are the pastor.” See you this Sunday.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


A few weeks ago I pulled into the Kroger parking lot and saw a young man pushing his truck and at the same time trying to jump in and pop the clutch. It appeared this was one of his many attempts as I could tell from the frustration he exhibited while slamming the truck door.
It reminded me of my younger days both the car not starting and slamming the car door so I came to his rescue. I pushed from the tailgate and he from the driver’s door again and again and again… You get the picture, my good deed had turned into the marathon of truck pushing and there was nothing to show for it. I guess it is true good intentions are not enough but in this case I am sticking with it is the thought that counts.
I could quote from Romans 8:28 “we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him” or from Isaiah 40:31 “but those who hope in the Lord will renew there strength, they will soar like eagles, they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.” Ever been in a situation that you have the promise and the ability but the situation does not go as planned. I could push no more, asked if I could call someone for him or take him somewhere, he refused and I limped away and went into Kroger’s.
The door of opportunity has a sign on it “Push.” In this case I was not responsible to start the truck but to offer a helping hand - the results belong to God.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Are you and God on the same page?

Human: What is a century like to you?
God: It is like a second.
Human: What is billion dollars like to you?
God: Like a penny.
Human: Can I have a penny?
God: Sure, just wait for a second.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

The Invitation

    This past weekend was an eye opener for me as I watched Calebb march out on the stage with the other officers to take the oath of office to become 2LT Calebb Proehl.  A few months ago Calebb invited me to be part of his ceremony at graduation by giving him his first salute.  An Army tradition is to give the enlisted man who gives you the first salute a silver dollar as respect to those enlisted men who serve.  I cannot tell how great it made me feel to get the invitation to be included in his big day. 
     As we drove home it got me thinking about the power of being invited.  It first made me feel a part of the ceremony not just an observer; secondly it made me feel that I was important.  Thirdly it made me feel comfortable when I showed up to do the salute.  On the other hand not being included can make us feel insecure, left out as if I do not have the code word to get in the party.
     As the church grows we need to be intentional about the invitation to others to be a part of Cornerstone.   A phone call, an invitation to dinner, or even extra effort to show you care will help others to be feel included.  The power of the invite is that we take the time to include others outside of the doors to the Church.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Blind Faith

During my senior year of high I skipped school and went down to the local recruiter’s office and signed up for the Army. I didn’t tell my girlfriend who is my wife now or my parents I just signed on the dotted line and off to Columbus they took me to be inducted.  I was young and ready to tackle the world but I also had a blind kind of faith that things would work out.  Similar to the blind faith it takes to trust the Lord when your reach exceeds your grasp.  Living by faith in a time when you have no guarantee of success is similar to what the Lord requested of Abraham when he told him to “leave your country, your people and your father’s household and go to the land I will show you.” (Genesis 12:10)  To live with blind faith requires surrender not blind risk.  The Lord is not telling us to risk blindly on our own dreams and efforts but to yield control to his will and follow him with faith in His plan for us.

Monday, April 25, 2011


     I like to collect globes and by current count have at least 12 in my office.  I can date them by the changes in names of countries and cites or by the type of stand they have.  Anyways the thing I like about globes is that they are complete but changeable.  Changeable in that they are correct for their era but the newer models show the changes in country names and borders.  This is similar to holiness in that we are complete today but tomorrow the Holy Spirit will expand its boundaries in our life and ask us to reset.  

                            Holiness is both instant and progressive.  

     All of my globes are perfect for their day but each new one is progressively updated as changes in the world occur.  Changes are going to happen in your life and God is going to change your boundaries but holiness is never out of date or behind but we must understand that God is never finished updating us.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Praying With Persistence

Last week I preached about Praying With Persistence.  Part of the message was directed to what happens when God troubles the heart and what could be the cause of that trouble.
1.  Sin
2.  The Spirit leading us into heart purity. Hebrews 12:14
3.  Being outside of God's will.
4.  A negative attitude.
5.  Refusing God. Hebrews 12:15
6.  Going against light.  John 8:12
The key to the troubled heart is trust as Jesus states "Do not let your hearts be troubled, trust in God, trust also in me."  John 14:1

Monday, April 18, 2011


I know I have heard it before, "I am not buying into this mentoring stuff."  Why do I need someone who is ahead of me in the faith to mentor me, why do I need someone behind me in the faith to mentor too and why do I need friends similar to me in the faith to laugh and cry with.  I will tell you why it is called Purpose.  Purpose means that I am not going it alone but bringing others along on the ridiculous journey of faith.

Live on Purpose-  Get involved in the life with someone who can help you with your journey.

Live on Purpose-  Develop relationships with friends to laugh and cry about successes and failures.

Live on Purpose-  Become a mentor to someone coming up in the faith to help them develop lifelong relationships through Christ.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Praying With Power

Praying with power is the ability given to those who are transformed and not conformed.  Being conformed is adjusting to certain acceptable patterns that meet the norm of those around us.  Paul said not to conform to the patterns of this world which we all can agree is probably not a good thing but what if the conforming is in the church and not in the world.  What if the norm is ineffective prayer, giving we we have extra, reading the Bible on occasion.  Being transformed is something different it is the relationship that is constantly seeking Gods will, not confirmation from others acceptable mediocrity.  Being transformed is powerful in both our living and our prayers, being transformed is pleasing to God.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Praying With a Pure Heart

1.  Make a list of the people you need to forgive.  Write down the offense- what they did to hurt you- next to each name.  Now make a list of all the people from whom you need to ask forgiveness.  Next to their names briefly describe how you hurt them.  Finally spend time in confession to God.  Ask for the power of Christ to wash over you, bathing you in His forgiveness that will enable  you to forgive others.
2.  Write God a letter and unload on Him.  Tell him all the things you're angry about, all the things you're harboring against him and wondering about.  Be honest, and trust that He can handle anything-everything-you throw at him, no matter how dark. desperate, or doubtful you may be.  Then ask him to heal your heart as you tear up the letter.
3.  Choose a beautiful photograph, seashell, or other memento that represents you his healing and forgiveness.  Place it it in a prominent place as a reminder to ask God for His forgiveness and to to forgive those around you daily.
Used from the book One Month to Live by Kerry and Chris Shook page 79.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


 Sitting in the office watching out the window as the snow is slowly falling.  I heard reports yesterday of 3 to 6 inches and today they are saying  1-3 but we are well into the day and  have about an inch.  Makes me think about expectations, the kids want a snow day and inch has accomplished that, but I still think that maybe I am missing something.  There is a big difference between 1 and 6 inches of snow and even though the weather channel is right they barely made the minimum of one inch.  The minimum makes me feel short changed as if the day was full of promise only to leave me asking “is this it”. 
     Haggai 1:9 states “you expected much but see, it turned out to be a little.”  While this deals with the house of God being in ruin and the disobedience of his people we find a similar word- unfulfilled.   We have been short changed, high was our expectation but when the snow came and went there was little impact.  In 2011 I have great expectation that we will not stop at the minimum but far exceed - barely enough.