Monday, November 5, 2012

Mark 9:35

The one constant in life we all face is change and there is nothing to be done about it.  Embrace it, reject it, ignore it, maybe even bury it or close our eyes and let it pass.  No matter what we do change occurs and a new set of circumstances present itself even if we distract ourselves from the shifting ground beneath our feet.  I like the idea of attaching myself to change for this allows me to not hold to tightly to today's circumstances.  I am asking God to change me and I have and am changing into something, and only God knows what that is. 
     Well I have found a new thing!  See I have a crazy love for Christ, my family, and the church I pastor and along with this revelation I also found out  that I have a crazy kind of love to help as many people come to know Christ as possibleThe new change is an old idea "whoever wants to be first must take last place and be the servant of everyone else." (Mark 9:35)  I am attaching myself to this change and am going to lead by serving. 
     The only problem is I have no idea what this new change is or how it will change the things around me but I will keep you updated.  Let the serving begin.

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