Wednesday, October 24, 2012


The fast is nearly ¾ over and I find myself thinking about how difficult it can be   to know the will of God.  Commonsense can be used to make a quick decision, my instincts and experience can lead me to making a good natural decision but what does God want.  How do we find a “wisdom that will enter your heart” (Prov 2:10) a “knowledge that will be pleasant to your soul” in the midst of the confusion we all face.  I know what my mind says for selfishness speaks loudest, then if that is rejected then it easily jumps to the natural to figure this out, but that leaves God out and I merely use what I know.   Paul lets us know that the “righteous will live by faith” (Romans 1:17).  To live by faith leads me to trust God without seeing, to dig deeper in the word and prayer, to shake off the natural and go to into the deep things of God. I guess a 24 hour fast is not going to do this but I seem to be diving anyways into the deep.  Wonder what I will find?  Quite possibly not the natural or the common but the perfect will of God which is the very thing I long for.

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