Wednesday, May 11, 2011

The Invitation

    This past weekend was an eye opener for me as I watched Calebb march out on the stage with the other officers to take the oath of office to become 2LT Calebb Proehl.  A few months ago Calebb invited me to be part of his ceremony at graduation by giving him his first salute.  An Army tradition is to give the enlisted man who gives you the first salute a silver dollar as respect to those enlisted men who serve.  I cannot tell how great it made me feel to get the invitation to be included in his big day. 
     As we drove home it got me thinking about the power of being invited.  It first made me feel a part of the ceremony not just an observer; secondly it made me feel that I was important.  Thirdly it made me feel comfortable when I showed up to do the salute.  On the other hand not being included can make us feel insecure, left out as if I do not have the code word to get in the party.
     As the church grows we need to be intentional about the invitation to others to be a part of Cornerstone.   A phone call, an invitation to dinner, or even extra effort to show you care will help others to be feel included.  The power of the invite is that we take the time to include others outside of the doors to the Church.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Blind Faith

During my senior year of high I skipped school and went down to the local recruiter’s office and signed up for the Army. I didn’t tell my girlfriend who is my wife now or my parents I just signed on the dotted line and off to Columbus they took me to be inducted.  I was young and ready to tackle the world but I also had a blind kind of faith that things would work out.  Similar to the blind faith it takes to trust the Lord when your reach exceeds your grasp.  Living by faith in a time when you have no guarantee of success is similar to what the Lord requested of Abraham when he told him to “leave your country, your people and your father’s household and go to the land I will show you.” (Genesis 12:10)  To live with blind faith requires surrender not blind risk.  The Lord is not telling us to risk blindly on our own dreams and efforts but to yield control to his will and follow him with faith in His plan for us.