Sitting in the office watching out the window as the snow is slowly falling. I heard reports yesterday of 3 to 6 inches and today they are saying 1-3 but we are well into the day and have about an inch. Makes me think about expectations, the kids want a snow day and inch has accomplished that, but I still think that maybe I am missing something. There is a big difference between 1 and 6 inches of snow and even though the weather channel is right they barely made the minimum of one inch. The minimum makes me feel short changed as if the day was full of promise only to leave me asking “is this it”.
Haggai 1:9 states “you expected much but see, it turned out to be a little.” While this deals with the house of God being in ruin and the disobedience of his people we find a similar word- unfulfilled. We have been short changed, high was our expectation but when the snow came and went there was little impact. In 2011 I have great expectation that we will not stop at the minimum but far exceed - barely enough.